

  1. Integrals.
  2. Checkpointing.
  3. Generating XDMF files.

Keywords: checkpointing, utilities, volume integrals, surface integrals, xdmf

Integral Class

The Integral class constructs the volume integral

$$ F_{i} = \int_V \, f_i(\mathbf{x}) \, \mathrm{d} V $$

for some function $f_i$ (specified by a Function object), over some domain $V$ (specified by an FeMesh object), or the surface integral

$$ F_{i} = \oint_{\Gamma} \, f_i(\mathbf{x}) \, \mathrm{d}\Gamma $$

for some surface $\Gamma$ (specified via an IndexSet object on the mesh).

In [1]:
# setup some objects for demonstration
import underworld as uw
from underworld import function as fn
import glucifer
import math

# setup required objects
mesh             = uw.mesh.FeMesh_Cartesian(minCoord=(-1,-1), elementRes=(32,32))
temperatureField = mesh.add_variable( 1 )
velocityField    = mesh.add_variable( 2 )

# init
temperatureField.data[:,0] = -mesh.data[:,1]/2. + 0.5
velocityField.data[:,0]    =  -mesh.data[:,1]
velocityField.data[:,1]    =   mesh.data[:,0]

# viz
fig1 = glucifer.Figure()
velmagfield = uw.function.math.sqrt( uw.function.math.dot( velocityField, velocityField ) )
fig1.append( glucifer.objects.VectorArrows(mesh, velocityField, arrowHead=0.2, scaling=0.1) )
fig1.append( glucifer.objects.Surface( mesh, temperatureField ) )

In the following example, we will calculate a root mean square velocity defined as: $$ v_{rms} = \sqrt{ \frac{ \int_V (\mathbf{v}.\mathbf{v}) \, \mathrm{d}V } {\int_V \, \mathrm{d}V} } $$

The same result can be achieved through a number of paths.

  1. Call the integrate() method on a Function object.
  2. Call the integrate() method on an FeMesh object.
  3. Create an Integral class object, and call its integrate() method.

Note that all three methods result in identical calculations.

In [2]:
# define required function
vdotv = fn.math.dot( velocityField, velocityField )

# evaluate area (domain) integrals on the function
# 2 methods available
v2sum_1  = vdotv.integrate( mesh ) # ... option 1
v2sum_2 =  mesh.integrate( vdotv ) # ... option 2
volume = mesh.integrate( 1.0 )

# finally, calculate RMS
v_rms  = math.sqrt( v2sum_1[0] )/volume[0]
print('Option 1 - RMS velocity = {0:.3f}'.format(v_rms))

v_rms  = math.sqrt( v2sum_2[0] )/volume[0]
print('Option 2 - RMS velocity = {0:.3f}'.format(v_rms))
Option 1 - RMS velocity = 0.408
Option 2 - RMS velocity = 0.408
In [3]:
# option 3
# create integral objects, passing in functions
v2sum_integral  = uw.utils.Integral( mesh=mesh, fn=vdotv )
volume_integral = uw.utils.Integral( mesh=mesh, fn=1. )

# evaluate integrals
v2sum  = v2sum_integral.evaluate()
volume = volume_integral.evaluate()

# finally, calculate RMS
v_rms  = math.sqrt( v2sum[0] )/volume[0]
print('RMS velocity = {0:.3f}'.format(v_rms))
RMS velocity = 0.408

To evaluate an integral over a subdomain the fn.branching.conditional class may be useful:

In [4]:
# create circle function
radius = 1.
coord    = fn.coord() 
fn_sphere = fn.math.dot( coord, coord ) < radius**2

# setup a function that is 1 if the coordinates, are inside the circle, and zero otherwise.
conditions     = [ ( fn_sphere , 1.0), 
                   ( True      , 0.0) ]
kernelFunction = fn.branching.conditional( conditions )

# create and evaluate integral
volume = mesh.integrate( kernelFunction )
print('Area from integral = {0:6.8e}'.format(volume[0]))
Area from integral = 3.14559221e+00

In the following example, we will calculate the Nusselt number defined by

$$ Nu = -h \frac{ \oint_{\Gamma_{t}} \partial_z T (\mathbf{x}) \, \mathrm{d}\Gamma}{ \int_{\Gamma_{b}} T (\mathbf{x}) \, \mathrm{d}\Gamma} $$

where $h$ is the height of the domain, and $\Gamma_t$ and $\Gamma_b$ are the top and bottom surfaces respectively.

NB. Surface integrals must still be implemented using the old implementation mesh of creating a uw.utils.Integral object

In [5]:
nuTop    = uw.utils.Integral( fn=temperatureField.fn_gradient[1], 
                              mesh=mesh, integrationType='Surface', 

nuBottom = uw.utils.Integral( fn=temperatureField,               
                              mesh=mesh, integrationType='Surface', 

Once again we activate these integrals using the evaluate function.

In [6]:
nu = - nuTop.evaluate()[0]/nuBottom.evaluate()[0]
print('Nusselt number = {0:.6f}'.format(nu))
Nusselt number = 0.500000


Checkpointing is the process of saving sufficient data to facilitate restarting your simulations at a later stage. Note that we do not provide explicit checkpointing functionality, but instead provide the tools required for the loading and saving of heavy data. Which data items are required for restart will depend on the systems you have used and how you have constructed your models.

The following Underworld data structures have load/save functionality:

  • SwarmVariables
  • Swarm
  • MeshVariables
  • Mesh

All files are saved in HDF5 format.

Note: When saving a SwarmVariable, if you wish to reload the SwarmVariable data at a later stage, you must also save the Swarm for the corresponding state (generally, the same timestep). This requirement is due to the population control mechanisms swarms generally used for swarms, and also due to particles crossing process boundaries. When you come to reload the Swarm and SwarmVariable, you must load the Swarm first. Note again that the Swarm and SwarmVariable must be of corresponding state for successful reload.

In [7]:
outputPath = 'checkpointing/'
# Make output directory if necessary
import os
if uw.rank()==0:
    if not os.path.exists(outputPath):


Below a Swarm and a SwarmVariable, are created and saved to disk, then a new swarm loads the data from disk.

  • Save the swarm data to disk using the save() method on the Swarm and SwarmVariable objects.
    Note the handle object that is returned from the save() method. This is currently used for xdmf() operation, see below.
  • Load the swarm data from disk using the load() method on the Swarm and SwarmVariable objects
In [8]:
swarm1    = uw.swarm.Swarm(mesh)
swarm1var = swarm1.add_variable(dataType='int', count=1)
layout    = uw.swarm.layouts.GlobalSpaceFillerLayout(swarm1,particlesPerCell=5)
In [9]:
# evaluate kernalFunction for each particle in swarm1, record result in swarmvar1
swarm1var.data[:] = kernelFunction.evaluate(swarm1.particleCoordinates.data)
In [10]:
fig = glucifer.Figure()
fig.append( glucifer.objects.Mesh(mesh) )
fig.append( glucifer.objects.Points(swarm1, fn_colour=swarm1var, pointSize=6.0 ) )
In [11]:
s1Hnd  = swarm1.save(outputPath+'swarm.h5')
s1vHnd = swarm1var.save(outputPath+'swarmvar.h5')

# new swarm
swarm2    = uw.swarm.Swarm(mesh)
swarm2var = swarm2.add_variable(dataType='int', count=1)
In [12]:
import numpy as np
print "Are the swarm variables close? ...", np.allclose( swarm2var.data[:], swarm1var.data[:] )
print "Are the swarm particle coordinates close? ... ", np.allclose( swarm2.particleCoordinates.data[:], swarm1.particleCoordinates.data[:])
Are the swarm variables close? ... True
Are the swarm particle coordinates close? ...  True


The MeshVariable object behaves similarly to SwarmVariable object with the save() and load() functionality.

In [13]:
mHnd   = mesh.save(outputPath+'mesh.h5')
velHnd = velocityField.save(outputPath+'velocity.h5', mHnd) # 2nd arg, mHnd, is optional

newField = mesh.add_variable( nodeDofCount=velocityField.nodeDofCount )

print "Are the mesh variables close ? ...", np.allclose( newField.data, velocityField.data )
Are the mesh variables close ? ... True

Writing to XDMF files

The XDMF file format brings together data and geometric information in a format the can be viewed with ParaView.
The handlers that were returned after the save() operations above specify this information in hdf5 format.

  • data as MeshVariable and SwarmVariable
  • geometric as the Mesh and Swarm

The handlers are passed to Underworld's XDMF methods, along with textual names to give the Variable in the .xdmf file.

In [14]:
velocityField.xdmf(outputPath+'velocity.xdmf', velHnd, "MyField", mHnd, "TheMesh", modeltime=0.0)
swarm1var.xdmf(outputPath+'swarmvar.xdmf', s1vHnd, "SwarmVariable", s1Hnd, "TheSwarm", modeltime=0.1)

Write XDMF file

For more details on using XDMF write and to see it in a dynamical simulation context, see the example 1_06_Rayleigh_Taylor.

In [15]:
if uw.rank() == 0:
    import os
    if os.path.exists(outputPath):