Benchmark: Moresi and Solomatov 1995

Stagnant lid convection model

This example covers the concepts of:

  1. Changing rheologies, specifically temperature dependent viscosity function.
  2. Stokes solver options.
  3. Saving and loading FE variables.

Keywords: particle swarms, Stokes system, advective diffusive systems


Moresi, L. N., and V. S. Solomatov (1995), Numerical investigation of 2d convection with extremely large viscosity variations, Phys. Fluids, 7, 2154–2162.

In [21]:
%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib.pyplot as pyplot
import matplotlib.pylab as pylab
import numpy as np
import underworld as uw
import math
from underworld import function as fn
import glucifer
import time

Setup parameters

In [22]:
dim = 2
boxLength = 1.0
boxHeight = 1.0
tempMin = 0.0
tempMax = 1.0
# Set the resolution.
res = 32
# Set the Rayleigh number.

Input/output paths

Set input and output file directory paths. For this example the input directory contains near steady state snapshots of the velocity, pressure and temperature fields. It also constains a summary of the Nusselt and $v_{RMS}$ values against time from the simulation used to make these snapshots.

In [23]:
inputPath  = 'MandS_Input/'
outputPath = 'MandS_Output/'
# Make output directory if necessary
import os
if not os.path.exists(outputPath):

Create mesh and finite element variables

In this case the mesh type used is different. For more information on the different mesh types see the user guide.

In [24]:
mesh = uw.mesh.FeMesh_Cartesian( elementType = ("Q2/dPc1"), 
                                 elementRes  = (res, res), 
                                 minCoord    = (0., 0.), 
                                 maxCoord    = (boxLength, boxHeight) )
velocityField    = uw.mesh.MeshVariable( mesh=mesh,    nodeDofCount=dim )
pressureField    = uw.mesh.MeshVariable( mesh=mesh.subMesh,    nodeDofCount=1 )
temperatureField = uw.mesh.MeshVariable( mesh=mesh, nodeDofCount=1 )
tempDotField     = uw.mesh.MeshVariable( mesh=mesh, nodeDofCount=1 )

Set initial conditions and boundary conditions

Initial and boundary conditions

Either set by perturbation function or load data from file.

In [25]:
LoadFromFile = False

If loading from file

Read 32*32 resolution data for $P$, $v$ and $T$ fields as well as existing summary statistics data. These are converted into lists so that the main time loop below will append with new values.

In [26]:
if(LoadFromFile == True):
# set up mesh for 32*32 data file
    mesh32 = uw.mesh.FeMesh_Cartesian( elementType = ("Q2/dPc1"), 
                                               elementRes = (32, 32), 
                                                 minCoord = (0., 0.), 
                                                 maxCoord = (boxLength, boxHeight)  )
    temperatureField32 = uw.mesh.MeshVariable( mesh=mesh32,         nodeDofCount=1 )
    pressureField32    = uw.mesh.MeshVariable( mesh=mesh32.subMesh, nodeDofCount=1 )
    velocityField32    = uw.mesh.MeshVariable( mesh=mesh32,         nodeDofCount=dim )

    pressureField32.load(inputPath+'Arrhenius_32_P.inp')[:] = temperatureField32.evaluate(mesh)[:] = pressureField32.evaluate(mesh.subMesh)[:] = velocityField32.evaluate(mesh)
    # load summary statistics into arrays
    data = np.loadtxt(inputPath+'ArrSumary.txt', unpack=True )
    timeVal, vrmsVal, nuVal = data[0].tolist(), data[1].tolist(), data[2].tolist()

If not loading from file: Initialise data

Start with a perturbed temperature gradient to speed up the convergence to the benchmark steady state solution.

In [27]:
if(LoadFromFile == False):[:] = [0.,0.][:] = 0.[:] = 0.
    pertStrength = 0.1
    deltaTemp = tempMax - tempMin
    for index, coord in enumerate(
        pertCoeff = math.cos( math.pi * coord[0]/boxLength ) * math.sin( math.pi * coord[1]/boxLength )[index] = tempMin + deltaTemp*(boxHeight - coord[1]) + pertStrength * pertCoeff[index] = max(tempMin, min(tempMax,[index]))
# initialise summary statistics arrays
    timeVal = []
    vrmsVal = []
    nuVal = []

Boundary conditions

This step is to ensure that the temperature boundary conditions are satisfied, as the initial conditions above may have been set to different values on the boundaries.

In [28]:
for index in mesh.specialSets["MinJ_VertexSet"]:[index] = tempMax
for index in mesh.specialSets["MaxJ_VertexSet"]:[index] = tempMin

Conditions on the boundaries

Construct sets for the both horizontal and vertical walls. Combine the sets of vertices to make the I (left and right side walls) and J (top and bottom walls) sets. Note that both sets contain the corners of the box.

In [29]:
iWalls = mesh.specialSets["MinI_VertexSet"] + mesh.specialSets["MaxI_VertexSet"]
jWalls = mesh.specialSets["MinJ_VertexSet"] + mesh.specialSets["MaxJ_VertexSet"]
allWalls = iWalls + jWalls

freeslipBC = uw.conditions.DirichletCondition( variable      = velocityField, 
                                               indexSetsPerDof = (allWalls,jWalls) )
tempBC     = uw.conditions.DirichletCondition( variable      = temperatureField, 
                                               indexSetsPerDof = (jWalls,) )

Plot initial conditions

Automatically scale the size of the vector arrows for the velocity field maximum.

In [30]:
velmax = np.amax([:])
if(velmax==0.0): velmax = 1.0
figtemp = glucifer.Figure()
tempminmax = fn.view.min_max(temperatureField)
figtemp.append( glucifer.objects.Surface(mesh, tempminmax) )
figtemp.append( glucifer.objects.VectorArrows(mesh, velocityField, scaling=0.1/velmax, arrowHead=0.2 ) )

Set up material parameters and functions

In [31]:
# Rheology

delta_Eta = 1.0e6
activationEnergy = np.log(delta_Eta)
Ra = 1.e6
fn_viscosity = delta_Eta * fn.math.exp( - activationEnergy * temperatureField )

densityFn = Ra*temperatureField
# Define our vertical unit vector using a python tuple (this will be automatically converted to a function)
z_hat = ( 0.0, 1.0 )
# Now create a buoyancy force fn using the density.
buoyancyFn = z_hat*densityFn

Plot the viscosity

In [32]:
figEta = glucifer.Figure()
figEta.append( glucifer.objects.Surface(mesh, fn_viscosity) )

System setup

Setup a Stokes system: advanced solver settings

Set up parameters for the Stokes system solver. For PIC style integration, we include a swarm for the a PIC integration swarm is generated within. For gauss integration, simple do not include the swarm. Nearest neighbour is used where required.

In [33]:
stokes =, 
                              fn_bodyforce=buoyancyFn )

Create an advective diffusive system

In [34]:
advDiff = temperatureField, tempDotField, velocityField, fn_diffusivity=1., conditions=[tempBC,], _allow_non_q1=True )

Analysis tools

RMS velocity

Set up integrals used to calculate the RMS velocity.

In [35]:
v2sum_integral  = uw.utils.Integral( mesh=mesh,, velocityField) ) 
volume_integral = uw.utils.Integral( mesh=mesh, fn=1. )

Nusselt number

In [36]:
def FindNusseltNumber(temperatureField, linearMesh, xmax, zmax):
    tempgradField = temperatureField.fn_gradient
    vertGradField = tempgradField[1]
    BottomInt = 0.0
    GradValues = temperatureField.fn_gradient[1].evaluate(mesh.specialSets["MaxJ_VertexSet"])
    TopInt = sum(GradValues)
    for index in mesh.specialSets["MinJ_VertexSet"]:
        BottomInt +=[index]
    Nu = -zmax*TopInt/BottomInt
    return Nu[0]

Main simulation loop

The main time stepping loop begins here. Before this the time and timestep are initialised to zero and the output statistics arrays are set up. Since this may be a continuation of the saved data with associated summary statistics then check if there are existing time values first. If there is existing data then add new simulation statistics after the existing data.

In [37]:
steps_prev = len(timeVal)
steps = 0
steps_end = 10000
step_out = 25

# Set time to zero, unless we are loading from file.
    time_start = timeVal[-1]
    time_start = 0.0
print 'Begining at t = ',time_start,' after having completed ',steps_prev,' steps'

simtime = time_start
Begining at t =  0.0  after having completed  0  steps
In [ ]:
# Setup clock to calculate simulation CPU time.
start = time.clock()

# Perform steps_end steps.
rms_v, nu_no = 0.0, 0.0
while steps<steps_end:
    # Get solution for initial configuration.
    # Retrieve the maximum possible timestep for the AD system.
    dt = advDiff.get_max_dt()
    if steps == 0:
        dt = 0.
    # Advect using this timestep size.
    # Calculate the RMS velocity.
    rms_v = math.sqrt(v2sum_integral.evaluate()[0]/volume_integral.evaluate()[0])
    nu_no = FindNusseltNumber(temperatureField, mesh, boxLength, boxHeight)
    # Increment time and store results.
    simtime += dt
    steps += 1
    vrmsVal.append( rms_v )
    timeVal.append( simtime )
    if steps ==0 or steps % step_out == 0:
        print "steps = {:04d}; time = {:.6e}; vrms = {:6.2f}; nusselt = {:6.4f}; CPU = {:4.1f}s".format(
               steps, simtime, rms_v, nu_no, time.clock()-start)
v2sum = v2sum_integral.evaluate()
rms_v = rms_v = math.sqrt(v2sum_integral.evaluate()[0]/volume_integral.evaluate()[0])
# nu_no = -surface_Tgradient.integrate()[0] / basalT.integrate()[0]
nu_no = FindNusseltNumber(temperatureField, mesh, boxLength, boxHeight)

print "steps = {:04d}; time = {:.6e}; vrms = {:6.2f}; nusselt = {:6.4f}; CPU = {:4.1f}s".format(
               steps, simtime, rms_v, nu_no, time.clock()-start)
steps = 0025; time = 2.929688e-03; vrms =   2.69; nusselt = 1.0000; CPU = 19.0s
/Users/lmoresi/+Underworld/underworld2/underworld/systems/ UserWarning: A PETSc error has been encountered during the solve. Solution fields are most likely erroneous. 

This error is probably due to an incorrectly constructed linear system. Please check that your boundary conditions are consistent and sufficient and that your viscosity is positive everywhere. If you are deforming the mesh, ensure that it has not become tangled. 

The resultant KSPConvergedReasons are (f_hat, outer, backsolve) (0,-11,0).

/Users/lmoresi/+Underworld/underworld2/underworld/systems/ UserWarning: A floating-point error has been detected during the solve. Solution fields are most likely erroneous. 

This is likely due to overly large value variations within your linear system, or a fragile (or incorrect) solver configuration. If your inputs are constructed using real world physical units, you may need to rescale them for solver amenability. 

/Users/lmoresi/+Underworld/underworld2/underworld/systems/ UserWarning: A PETSc error has been encountered during the solve. Solution fields are most likely erroneous. 

This error is probably due to an incorrectly constructed linear system. Please check that your boundary conditions are consistent and sufficient and that your viscosity is positive everywhere. If you are deforming the mesh, ensure that it has not become tangled. 

The resultant KSPConvergedReasons are (f_hat, outer, backsolve) (0,-9,0).

steps = 0050; time = 5.981445e-03; vrms =    nan; nusselt =    nan; CPU = 37.6s
steps = 0075; time = 9.033203e-03; vrms =    nan; nusselt =    nan; CPU = 56.0s
steps = 0100; time = 1.208496e-02; vrms =    nan; nusselt =    nan; CPU = 74.7s

Post simulation analysis

Check CPU timing

Output timing for calculation per simulation time step

In [ ]:
    avtime = (time.clock() - start)/float(steps)
    avtime = 0.0

print "Average time per timestep = ",avtime," seconds over ", steps, " steps"

Pre-run model took about $1.74$ seconds per timestep and was run for $13000$ timesteps for $Ra = 10^6$ for a $64\times64$ grid.

Save data to files

Save system summary data; $v_{rms}$ and the Nusselt number against time.

In [ ]:
np.savetxt( outputPath+'MandS_Summary.out', np.c_[timeVal, vrmsVal, nuVal], header="Time, VRMS, Nusselt" )

Save final temperature, velocity and pressure fields.

In [ ]:'MandS_T.out')'MandS_v.out')'MandS_p.out')

Plot temperature field with velocity vectors overlaid

In [ ]:
velmax = np.amax([:])
figVT = glucifer.Figure()
figVT.append( glucifer.objects.Surface(mesh, temperatureField) )
figVT.append( glucifer.objects.VectorArrows(mesh, velocityField, scaling=0.1/velmax, arrowHead=0.2) )

Plot system summary information

If the initial conditions were loaded up from a data file then these arrays will contain the saved data as well as results from the simulation just run.

In [ ]:
pylab.rcParams[ 'figure.figsize'] = 14, 8
pyplot.plot(timeVal, nuVal)
pyplot.ylabel('Nusselt Number')

In [ ]: