An Benchark example from Davies and Rawlinson, Geology 2014.

This notebook reproduces the 2D instantaneous flow model with a composite Newtonian and non-Newtonian rheology shown in Figure DR6 of Davies and Rawlinson (2014). Rheological parameters are consistent with Karato and Wu (1993), with prefactors chosen to produce a minimum diffusion creep viscosity of 5 x 10^19 Pa.s within the asthenosphere and dislocation creep dominating within the edge driven convection cell.


  1. D. Rhodri Davies and Nicholas Rawlinson, On the origin of recent intraplate volcanism in Australia. Geology, December 2014, v. 42, p. 1031-1034, doi:10.1130/G36093.1
  2. Karato, Shun-ichiro, and Patrick Wu. Rheology of the Upper Mantle: A Synthesis. Science 260, no. 5109 (1993): 771-78.
In [1]:
import numpy as np
import underworld as uw
import math
from underworld import function as fn
import glucifer
/Users/lmoresi/+Underworld/underworld2/h5py/ FutureWarning: Conversion of the second argument of issubdtype from `float` to `np.floating` is deprecated. In future, it will be treated as `np.float64 == np.dtype(float).type`.
  from ._conv import register_converters as _register_converters

Set simulation parameters.

In [2]:
# physical parameters
g        = 9.8      # [m/(s.s)],   gravity 
alpha    = 3*1e-5   # [K^-1],      thermal expansivity coefficient
kappa    = 1e-6     # [m.m/s],     thermal diffusivity
rho0     = 3300.    # [kg/m^3],    reference density
Temp_Min = 300.0    # [K],         surface temperature, 26.85C, 0C = 273.15K
Temp_Max = 1573.0   # [K],         mantle temperature
R        = 8.3145   # [J/(K.mol)], gas constant

deltaTemp = Temp_Max - Temp_Min
In [3]:
ageC = 100.*1e6*(60.*60.*24*365) # in seconds, 100 Myr, thermal aqge of cratonic lithosphere, left hand side
ageP =  20.*1e6*(60.*60.*24*365) # in seconds,  20 Myr, Palaeozoic lithosphere, right hand side; 
transLength = 200.*1e3           # transition length, 200 km

#length in [km]
boxLength = 2.1 #2100e3  # x 1e3 m = 2,100 km
boxHeight = 0.7 #700e3   # x 1e3 m =   700 km
minCoord = [-boxLength/2., -boxHeight]  # centre box at zero
maxCoord = [ boxLength/2., 0]
aspectRatio = boxLength/boxHeight

unitRes     = 128  
resolution  = [int(unitRes*aspectRatio),unitRes]
In [4]:
# scale vectors for 1 cm/yr
# v = (kappa / depth) * v' [m/s]
# [cm/yr] = (1e2cm/m).(60*60*24*365s/yr)[m/s]
velScalingFactor = (kappa/(boxHeight*1e6))*(1e2*(60*60*24*365))

Create mesh and finite element variables

In [5]:
mesh = uw.mesh.FeMesh_Cartesian( elementType = ("Q1/dQ0"), 
                                 elementRes  = resolution, 
                                 minCoord    = minCoord, 
                                 maxCoord    = maxCoord,

velocityField       = uw.mesh.MeshVariable( mesh=mesh,         nodeDofCount=2 )
pressureField       = uw.mesh.MeshVariable( mesh=mesh.subMesh, nodeDofCount=1 )
temperatureField    = uw.mesh.MeshVariable( mesh=mesh,         nodeDofCount=1 )
temperatureDotField = uw.mesh.MeshVariable( mesh=mesh,         nodeDofCount=1 )
In [6]:
# initialise fields[:]    = 0.[:] = 0.[:]       = [0.,0.][:]       = 0.
In [7]:
In [8]:
with mesh.deform_mesh():[:,0] =[:,0] * np.exp([:,0]*[:,0]) / np.exp(maxCoord[0]*maxCoord[0])[:,1] =[:,1] * np.exp([:,1]*[:,1]*2) / np.exp(boxHeight*boxHeight*2)
In [9]:
In [10]:
figMesh = glucifer.Figure( figsize=figsize )
figMesh.append( glucifer.objects.Mesh(mesh))

Initialise & apply boundary conditions on the temperature Field

In [11]:
# calculate half-space cooling model
for index, coord in enumerate(
    depth  = -1.0*coord[1]*1e6  # in [m]
    xCoord = coord[0]*1e6
    if xCoord < -transLength/2:
        temp = deltaTemp*math.erf(depth/(2.*math.sqrt(kappa*ageC)))/deltaTemp
    elif xCoord < transLength/2:
        # average between craton the palaeozoic lithosphere
        phi = (xCoord + transLength/2)/transLength  
        age = (1.-phi) * ageC + phi * ageP
        temp = deltaTemp*math.erf(depth/(2.*math.sqrt(kappa*age)))/deltaTemp
        temp = deltaTemp*math.erf(depth/(2.*math.sqrt(kappa*ageP)))/deltaTemp[index] = temp
In [12]:
iWalls  = mesh.specialSets["MinI_VertexSet"] + mesh.specialSets["MaxI_VertexSet"]
jWalls  = mesh.specialSets["MinJ_VertexSet"] + mesh.specialSets["MaxJ_VertexSet"]
topWall = mesh.specialSets["MaxJ_VertexSet"]

freeslipBC = uw.conditions.DirichletCondition( variable      = velocityField, 
                                               indexSetsPerDof = ( iWalls, jWalls) )
tempBC     = uw.conditions.DirichletCondition( variable      = temperatureField, 
                                               indexSetsPerDof = ( jWalls, ) )

Plot initial temperature

In [13]:
figtemp = glucifer.Figure(figsize=figsize)
figtemp.append( glucifer.objects.Surface(mesh, temperatureField) )
figtemp.append( glucifer.objects.Contours(mesh, temperatureField, interval=(100/deltaTemp), 
                                          limits=(0.,(1400-300)/deltaTemp), colours='Black', colourBar=False))

Define the rheology

In [14]:
# strain rate invariant
strainRateFn              = fn.tensor.symmetric( velocityField.fn_gradient )
strainRate_2ndInvariantFn = fn.tensor.second_invariant(strainRateFn)
strainRate_2ndInvariantFn_scaled = strainRate_2ndInvariantFn * (kappa / ((boxHeight*1e6)**2))
In [15]:
# hydrostatice pressure 
yCoord = fn.input()[1]*1e6
z_hat  = -1.0*(yCoord)
P_stat = rho0 * g * z_hat
In [16]:
# adiabatic gradiet to temperature solution, 0.5 K/km
Tm = (z_hat/1e3)*0.5+(temperatureField*deltaTemp)+Temp_Min
In [17]:
# limiters
eta_max = 1e24 # Pa.s, maximum viscosity
eta_min = 1e19 # Pa.s, minimum viscosity
In [18]:
# Diffusion creep
E_diff = 300.*1e3     # J/mol, activation energy
V_diff = 4.5/(1e2**3) # m^3/mol, activation volume
A_diff = 4.0e-10      # Pa^-1.s^-1, prefactor
n_diff = 1.
In [19]:
diffusionCreep  = 0.5*fn.math.pow(A_diff,(-1./n_diff))
diffusionCreep *= fn.math.exp((E_diff+P_stat*V_diff)/(n_diff*R*Tm))
diffusionCreep *= fn.math.pow((strainRate_2ndInvariantFn_scaled+1.0e-24),(1-n_diff)/n_diff)
In [20]:
# Dislocation creep
E_disl = 540.*1e3     # J/mol, activation energy
V_disl = 10./(1e2**3) # m^3/mol, activation volume
A_disl = 1.0e-15      # Pa^-n.s^-1, prefactor
n_disl = 3.5
In [21]:
dislocationCreep  = 0.5*fn.math.pow(A_disl,(-1./n_disl))
dislocationCreep *= fn.math.exp((E_disl+P_stat*V_disl)/(n_disl*R*Tm))
dislocationCreep *= fn.math.pow((strainRate_2ndInvariantFn_scaled+1.0e-24),(1-n_disl)/n_disl)
In [22]:
creep_harmonic = fn.math.pow((1./diffusionCreep + 1./dislocationCreep)/2.,-1)
In [23]:
fn_viscosity = fn.misc.max(fn.misc.min(creep_harmonic, eta_max), eta_min )/eta_min
In [24]:
viscosity = glucifer.objects.Surface(mesh, fn_viscosity*eta_min, logScale=True, valueRange=[5e19, 5e20], )
viscosity.colourBar["position"] = 0.0
viscosity.colourBar["size"] = [0.8,0.01]
viscosity.colourBar["tickvalues"] = [5, 10, 50]
viscosity.colourBar["align"] = "right"

figEta = glucifer.Figure(figsize=figsize, title='Viscosity field, Temperature contours')
figEta.append( viscosity)
figEta.append( glucifer.objects.Contours(mesh, temperatureField, interval=(100/deltaTemp), 
                                         limits=(0.,(1400-300)/deltaTemp), colours='Black', colourBar=False))
figEta.append( glucifer.objects.Contours(mesh, temperatureField, interval=(100/deltaTemp), 
                                         limits=(0.,(1400-300)/deltaTemp), colours='Black', colourBar=False))
In [25]:

Define density, gravity and buoyancy force

In [26]:
eta0 = eta_min
Ra   = (alpha*rho0*g*deltaTemp*((boxHeight*1e6)**3)) / (eta0*kappa)
In [27]:
densityFn = Ra*temperatureField
gravity = ( 0.0, 1.0 )
buoyancyFn = gravity*densityFn

Setup a Stokes system

In [28]:
stokes = velocityField = velocityField, 
                            pressureField = pressureField,
                               conditions = [freeslipBC,],
                             fn_viscosity = fn_viscosity, 
                             fn_bodyforce = buoyancyFn,
In [29]:
solver =
In [30]:
if uw.rank()==0:

Set up and solve the Stokes system

In [31]:
In [32]:
figStrainRateAndVel = glucifer.Figure(figsize=figsize)
figStrainRateAndVel.append( glucifer.objects.Surface(mesh, strainRate_2ndInvariantFn_scaled) )
figStrainRateAndVel.append( glucifer.objects.VectorArrows(mesh, velocityField*velScalingFactor ) )
figStrainRateAndVel.append( glucifer.objects.Contours(mesh, temperatureField, interval=(100/deltaTemp), 
                                                      limits=(0.,(1400-300)/deltaTemp), colours='Black', colourBar=False))
In [33]:
figEta.append( glucifer.objects.VectorArrows(mesh, velocityField*velScalingFactor ) )

Visualise the deformation mechanism

In [34]:
# visualise the deformation mechanism
eta_min_filter = (fn_viscosity*eta_min <= eta_min)
eta_max_filter = (fn_viscosity*eta_min >= eta_max)
eta_dif_filter = (diffusionCreep <= dislocationCreep) 
eta_dis_filter = (dislocationCreep < diffusionCreep)

fn_defMech = fn.branching.conditional(  ( (eta_min_filter, 0),
                                          (eta_max_filter, 1),
                                          (eta_dif_filter, 2),
                                          (         True , 3) ) )
In [35]:
# red = max viscosity, blue = diffusion creep, grey = dislocation creep 
deformation = glucifer.objects.Surface(mesh, fn_defMech, onMesh=True, colours = 'Red Blue Grey', discrete=True)
deformation.colourBar["position"] = 0.0
deformation.colourBar["size"] = [0.8,0.01]
deformation.colourBar["align"] = "right"

figMechField = glucifer.Figure(figsize=figsize, title='Deformation Mechanism')
# contours of temperature at 100 degree intervals
figMechField.append( glucifer.objects.Contours(mesh, temperatureField, interval=(100/deltaTemp), 
                                          limits=(0.,(1400-300)/deltaTemp), colours='Black', colourBar=False))
# deformation mechanism field
figMechField.append( deformation )
In [36]: