Pure shear experiment

This notebook builds upon the simple shear model to show models for pure shear in which shear bands form in response to extensional / compressional deformation of the domain boundary.

We consider a rectangular, deforming domain with plastic-strain-softening, Drucker-Prager rheology which is subject to pure shear boundary conditions (the sides of the domain move in or out and the top moves to preserve the overall volume).

As before, the rheology is described by:

\begin{equation} \eta = \begin{cases} \eta_0 & |\tau| < \tau_\textrm{yield} \\ {\tau_\textrm{yield}} / {2 \left| \, \dot\varepsilon \, \right|} & \textrm{otherwise} \end{cases} \end{equation}

where the yield stress, $\tau_\textrm{yield}$ is given by

\begin{equation} \tau_\textrm{yield} = C(\varepsilon_p) + \mu p \end{equation}

$ \left| \, \dot\varepsilon \, \right| $ is the second invariant of the strain rate tensor, $\varepsilon$ is its integral over time in regions where the yield stress is reached, $C$ is a cohesion, $\mu$ is a friction coefficient, and $p$ is the pressure.

The cohesion weakens with accumulated plastic strain as follows:

\begin{equation} C = c_0 + c_1 e^{ \left( -\varepsilon_\textrm{p} / \varepsilon_0 \right)} \end{equation}

No healing of the cohesion is implemented in this example.


1) This notebook also introduces Lagrangian integration with higher order elements. In this case it is necessary to manually introduce the swarm population manager and explicitly call for the re-population of the elements after the particles have been advected.

2) The mesh is deformed to follow the moving boundaries. This is an ALE problem in which the material history attached to the particles and the boundary-deformation history is attached to the mesh.

3) There is no thermal component to this notebook and hence no ALE correction for the moving mesh applies to the advection term.

In [1]:
import matplotlib.pyplot as pyplot
import numpy as np
import math
import os

import underworld as uw
from underworld import function as fn
import glucifer
In [2]:
outputPath = os.path.join(os.path.abspath("."),"output/PureShear2D/")
if uw.rank() == 0:
    if not os.path.exists(outputPath):

Create mesh and finite element variables

Note: the use of a pressure-sensitive rheology suggests that it is important to use a Q2/dQ1 element

In [3]:
minX  = -2.0
maxX  =  2.0
meshV =  1.0

resX = 64
resY = 16

elementType="Q2/dPc1"  # This is enough for a test but not to use the code in anger

mesh = uw.mesh.FeMesh_Cartesian( elementType = (elementType), 
                                 elementRes  = ( resX, resY), 
                                 minCoord    = ( minX, 0.), 
                                 maxCoord    = ( maxX, 1.),
                                 periodic    = [False, False]  ) 

velocityField    = mesh.add_variable(         nodeDofCount=mesh.dim )
pressureField    = mesh.subMesh.add_variable( nodeDofCount=1 )

velocityField.data[:] = [0.,0.]
pressureField.data[:] = 0.

Boundary conditions

Pure shear with moving walls — all boundaries are zero traction with

In [4]:
iWalls = mesh.specialSets["MinI_VertexSet"] + mesh.specialSets["MaxI_VertexSet"]
jWalls = mesh.specialSets["MinJ_VertexSet"] + mesh.specialSets["MaxJ_VertexSet"]
base   = mesh.specialSets["MinJ_VertexSet"]
top    = mesh.specialSets["MaxJ_VertexSet"]

allWalls = iWalls + jWalls

velocityBCs = uw.conditions.DirichletCondition( variable        = velocityField, 
                                                indexSetsPerDof = (iWalls, base) )

for index in mesh.specialSets["MinI_VertexSet"]:
    velocityField.data[index] = [-meshV, 0.]
for index in mesh.specialSets["MaxI_VertexSet"]:
    velocityField.data[index] = [ meshV, 0.]

Setup the material swarm and passive tracers

The material swarm is used for tracking deformation and history dependence of the rheology

Passive swarms can track all sorts of things but lack all the machinery for integration and re-population

In [5]:
swarm  = uw.swarm.Swarm( mesh=mesh )
swarmLayout = uw.swarm.layouts.GlobalSpaceFillerLayout( swarm=swarm, particlesPerCell=50 )
swarm.populate_using_layout( layout=swarmLayout )

# create pop control object
pop_control = uw.swarm.PopulationControl(swarm)

surfaceSwarm = uw.swarm.Swarm( mesh=mesh )
deformationSwarm = uw.swarm.Swarm ( mesh=mesh )

Create a particle advection system

Note that we need to set up one advector systems for each particle swarm (our global swarm and a separate one if we add passive tracers).

In [6]:
advector        = uw.systems.SwarmAdvector( swarm=swarm,            velocityField=velocityField, order=2 )
advector2       = uw.systems.SwarmAdvector( swarm=surfaceSwarm,     velocityField=velocityField, order=2 )
advector3       = uw.systems.SwarmAdvector( swarm=deformationSwarm, velocityField=velocityField, order=2 )

Add swarm variables

We are using a single material with a single rheology. We need to track the plastic strain in order to have some manner of strain-related softening (e.g. of the cohesion or the friction coefficient). For visualisation of swarm data we need an actual swarm variable and not just the computation.

Other variables are used to track deformation in the shear band etc.

NOTE: Underworld needs all the swarm variables defined before they are initialised or there will be / can be memory problems (at least it complains about them !). That means we need to add the monitoring variables now, even if we don't always need them.

In [7]:
plasticStrain  = swarm.add_variable( dataType="double",  count=1 )

# Tracking different materials

materialVariable = swarm.add_variable( dataType="int", count=1 )

# These ones are for monitoring of the shear bands

stretching = swarm.add_variable( dataType="double", count=mesh.dim)
orientation = swarm.add_variable( dataType="double", count=1)

# passive markers at the surface

surfacePoints = np.zeros((1000,2))
surfacePoints[:,0] = np.linspace(minX+0.01, maxX-0.01, 1000)
surfacePoints[:,1] = 0.8

surfaceSwarm.add_particles_with_coordinates( surfacePoints )

deformationVariable = deformationSwarm.add_variable( dataType="double", count=1)
deformationPoints = np.array(np.meshgrid(np.linspace(minX+0.01, maxX-0.01, 500), np.linspace(0.1, 0.8, 15))).T.reshape(-1,2)
deformationSwarm.add_particles_with_coordinates( deformationPoints )


Initialise swarm variables

In [8]:
# Stretching - assume an initial orientation aligned with the x-axis

stretching.data[:,0] = 1.0
stretching.data[:,1] = 0.0

# This is a work-variable for visualisation

orientation.data[:] = 0.0

# plastic strain - weaken a region at the base close to the boundary (a weak seed but through cohesion softening)

def gaussian(xx, centre, width):
    return ( np.exp( -(xx - centre)**2 / width ))

def boundary(xx, minX, maxX, width, power):
    zz = (xx - minX) / (maxX - minX)
    return (np.tanh(zz*width) + np.tanh((1.0-zz)*width) - math.tanh(width))**power

# weight = boundary(swarm.particleCoordinates.data[:,1], 10, 4) 

plasticStrain.data[:] = 0.1 * np.random.rand(*plasticStrain.data.shape[:])
plasticStrain.data[:,0] *= gaussian(swarm.particleCoordinates.data[:,0], 0.0, 0.025) 
plasticStrain.data[:,0] *= gaussian(swarm.particleCoordinates.data[:,1], 0.0, 0.025) 
plasticStrain.data[:,0] *= boundary(swarm.particleCoordinates.data[:,0], minX, maxX, 10.0, 2) 


deformationVariable.data[:,0] = deformationSwarm.particleCoordinates.data[:,1]
In [9]:
if uw.nProcs() == 1:   # Serial
    xx = np.arange(-20, 20, 0.01)
    yy = boundary(xx, minX, maxX, 10, 2)

Material distribution in the domain.

In [10]:
# Initialise the 'materialVariable' data to represent different materials. 
materialV = 1 # viscoplastic
materialA = 0 # accommodation layer a.k.a. Sticky Air
materialU = 2 # Under layer 

# The particle coordinates will be the input to the function evaluate (see final line in this cell).
# We get proxy for this now using the input() function.

coord = fn.input()

# Setup the conditions list for the following conditional function. Where the
# z coordinate (coordinate[1]) is less than the perturbation, set to lightIndex.

conditions = [ (       coord[1] > 0.8 , materialA ),
               (       coord[1] < 0.1 , materialU ),
               (       True ,           materialV ) ]

# The actual function evaluation. Here the conditional function is evaluated at the location
# of each swarm particle. The results are then written to the materialVariable swarm variable.

materialVariable.data[:] = fn.branching.conditional( conditions ).evaluate(swarm)

Define the viscosity function

In this case, the viscosity of material which has not reached the yield criterion is simply going to be a constant. Nevertheless, it is useful to define it here as a function and write the remaining code such that it is not changed if we introduce additional materials or a dependence on another set of equations.

In [11]:
# Interesting to test: very weak lower layer, very strong lower layer ... and something in the middle
viscosityA = 0.01
viscosityV = 1.0
viscosityU = 0.1  

viscosityMap = { materialA: viscosityA, materialV:viscosityV, materialU:viscosityU }

backgroundViscosityFn  = fn.branching.map( fn_key = materialVariable, 
                                           mapping = viscosityMap )

Define a yield criterion (function)

\begin{equation} \tau_\textrm{yield} = C(\varepsilon_p) + \mu p \end{equation}

The yield strength described above needs to be evaluated on the fly at the particles (integration points). It therefore needs to be a function composed of mesh variables, swarm variables, constants, and mathematical operations.

In [12]:
# Friction - in this form it could also be made to weaken with strain

frictionInf     = fn.misc.constant(0.3)
frictionFn      = frictionInf 

# Cohesion - a function of swarm variables

cohesionInfMap = { materialA: 1000.0, materialV:0.25, materialU:1000.0 }
cohesionInf     =  fn.branching.map( fn_key = materialVariable, 
                                     mapping = cohesionInfMap )

cohesion0       = fn.misc.constant(0.75)
referenceStrain = fn.misc.constant(0.5)

cohesionFn =  cohesionInf + cohesion0 * fn.math.exp(-plasticStrain / referenceStrain )

# Drucker-Prager yield criterion

yieldStressFn   = cohesionFn + frictionFn * pressureField

# Plot it and see (it will be the cohesion in the first run through) 

figYieldStress = glucifer.Figure( figsize=(1800,600), boundingBox=((-3.0, 0.0, 0.0), (3.0, 1.0, 0.0)) )
figYieldStress.append( glucifer.objects.Points(swarm, fn.misc.max(0.0,fn.misc.min(yieldStressFn, 1.0)) , pointSize=3.0, fn_mask=materialVariable, 
                                                      colours="#00BBFF:0.5 #FF5500:0.5") )
figYieldStress.append( glucifer.objects.Points(surfaceSwarm, pointSize=5.0, colours="#440000:0.9 #440000:0.9", colourBar=False) )
figYieldStress.append( glucifer.objects.Points(deformationSwarm, deformationVariable, pointSize=4.0, colourBar=False,
                                               colours="#BB4444:0.75 #6666BB:0.75") )


Define composite (yielding) rheology

The actual constitutive behaviour is a composite of the behaviour below the yield strength and the reduced viscosity required to ensure that the stress remains bounded by the yield envelope.

\begin{equation} \eta = \begin{cases} \eta_0 & |\tau| < \tau_\textrm{yield} \\ {\tau _ \textrm{yield}} / {2 \left| \, \dot\varepsilon \, \right|} & \textrm{otherwise} \end{cases} \end{equation}

Note: The $1.0^{-18}$ added to the strain-rate is supposed to be a small number preventing the rheology from blowing up if the velocity field is zero. Obviously this number should be much smaller than the expected strain rate !

In [13]:
# first define strain rate tensor

strainRateFn = fn.tensor.symmetric( velocityField.fn_gradient )
strainRate_2ndInvariantFn = fn.tensor.second_invariant(strainRateFn)

# now compute a viscosity assuming yielding

min_viscosity = viscosityA  # same as the air ... 

yieldingViscosityFn =  0.5 * yieldStressFn / (strainRate_2ndInvariantFn+1.0e-18)

viscosityFn = fn.exception.SafeMaths( fn.misc.max(fn.misc.min(yieldingViscosityFn, 

Deviatoric stress

The deviatoric stress is computed from the constitutive law based on the viscosity that results from the solution to the non-linear Stokes equation.

Note: the deviatoric stress is defined in terms of functions we have defined already but the value will be meaningless if the viscosityFn is modified in any way after the solve is complete because evaluation is made only when the values at particular points are needed.

In [14]:
devStressFn = 2.0 * viscosityFn * strainRateFn

Buoyancy forces

In this example, no buoyancy forces are considered. However, to establish an appropriate pressure gradient in the material, it would normally be useful to map density from material properties and create a buoyancy force.

In [15]:
densityMap = { materialA: 0.0, materialV:1.0, materialU:10.0 }

densityFn = fn.branching.map( fn_key=materialVariable, mapping=densityMap )

# And the final buoyancy force function.
z_hat = ( 0.0, 1.0 )
buoyancyFn = -densityFn * z_hat

System setup

Setup a Stokes equation system and connect a solver up to it.

In this example, no buoyancy forces are considered. However, to establish an appropriate pressure gradient in the material, it would normally be useful to map density from material properties and create a buoyancy force.

In [16]:
stokes = uw.systems.Stokes(    velocityField = velocityField, 
                               pressureField = pressureField,
                               conditions    = velocityBCs,
                               fn_viscosity  = viscosityFn, 
                               fn_bodyforce  = buoyancyFn )

solver = uw.systems.Solver( stokes )

## Initial solve (drop the non-linearity the very first solve only)

# "mumps" is a good alternative for "lu" but 
# not every petsc installation has mumps !
# It also works fine in parallel

# use "lu" direct solve and large penalty (if running in serial)

solver.options.scr.ksp_rtol = 1.0e-3

# test it out

solver.solve( nonLinearIterate=True )

Pressure iterations:   3
Velocity iterations:   1 (presolve)      
Velocity iterations:   3 (pressure solve)
Velocity iterations:   1 (backsolve)     
Velocity iterations:   5 (total solve)   
SCR RHS  setup time: 4.7657e-02
SCR RHS  solve time: 8.7953e-04
Pressure setup time: 4.7708e-04
Pressure solve time: 2.9602e-03
Velocity setup time: 4.0531e-06 (backsolve)
Velocity solve time: 9.3794e-04 (backsolve)
Total solve time   : 7.0007e-02
Velocity solution min/max: 0.0000e+00/0.0000e+00
Pressure solution min/max: 0.0000e+00/0.0000e+00

In [17]:
surfaceArea = uw.utils.Integral(fn=1.0,mesh=mesh, integrationType='surface', surfaceIndexSet=top)
surfacePressureIntegral = uw.utils.Integral(fn=pressureField, mesh=mesh, integrationType='surface', surfaceIndexSet=top)

(area,) = surfaceArea.evaluate()
(p0,) = surfacePressureIntegral.evaluate() 

pressureField.data[:] -= p0 / area
In [18]:
figVelocityPressure = glucifer.Figure( figsize=(1200,400), boundingBox=((-3.0, 0.0, 0.0), (3.0, 1.0, 0.0)) )
figVelocityPressure.append( glucifer.objects.VectorArrows(mesh, velocityField, scaling=.1) )
figVelocityPressure.append( glucifer.objects.Surface(mesh, pressureField) )
figVelocityPressure.append( glucifer.objects.Points(surfaceSwarm, pointSize=5.0, colourBar=False, colours="#440000 #440000") )
figVelocityPressure.append( glucifer.objects.Mesh(mesh))
In [19]:
# The stress is only guaranteed to be accurate when integrated across an element. Fluctuations
# within an element can be significant. Mapping to the mesh can help

meshDevStress = mesh.add_variable( 1 )

projectorStress = uw.utils.MeshVariable_Projection( meshDevStress, fn.tensor.second_invariant(devStressFn), type=0 )

figMeshStress = glucifer.Figure( figsize=(1200,400), boundingBox=((-3.0, 0.0, 0.0), (3.0, 1.0, 0.0)) )
figMeshStress.append( glucifer.objects.Surface(mesh, meshDevStress  , colours="#0044BB, #777777, #FF9900") )
figMeshStress.append( glucifer.objects.Points(surfaceSwarm, pointSize=5.0, colours="#440000 #440000", colourBar=False) )

In [20]:
curlV = velocityField.fn_gradient[1] - velocityField.fn_gradient[2]
figStrain = glucifer.Figure( figsize=(1200,400), boundingBox=((-3.0, 0.0, 0.0), (3.0, 1.0, 0.0)) )
figStrain.append( glucifer.objects.Surface(mesh, curlV) )
figStrain.append( glucifer.objects.Points(swarm, plasticStrain, pointSize=4.0, 
                  fn_mask=materialVariable,  colours="#FF6600:0.5, #555555:0.25, Blue:0.5") )
figStrain.append( glucifer.objects.Points(surfaceSwarm, pointSize=5.0, colours="#440000 #440000", colourBar=False) )


Main simulation loop

In [21]:
# create an array which will be used to advect/update the mesh
mesh_vels = meshV*np.copy(mesh.data[:,0])/maxX
# also create projection object
projectorStress = uw.utils.MeshVariable_Projection( meshDevStress, fn.tensor.second_invariant(devStressFn), type=0 )
In [22]:
def update():
    # get timestep and advect particles
    dt = advector.get_max_dt()
    advector.integrate(dt, update_owners=False)
    advector2.integrate(dt, update_owners=False)
    advector3.integrate(dt, update_owners=False)
    # Stretch mesh to match boundary conditions
    # Note that this also calls the update_particle_owners for the
    # attached swarms
    with mesh.deform_mesh( isRegular=True ):
        mesh.data[:,0] += mesh_vels[:]*dt

    newtime = time + dt
    # recalc mesh exten
    newminX = minX - meshV * newtime
    newmaxX = maxX + meshV * newtime

    # particle population control
    # update stretching metric
    swarmVgrad = velocityField.fn_gradient.evaluate(swarm)
    stretching.data[:,0] += dt * (swarmVgrad[:,0] * stretching.data[:,0] + swarmVgrad[:,1] * stretching.data[:,1])
    stretching.data[:,1] += dt * (swarmVgrad[:,2] * stretching.data[:,0] + swarmVgrad[:,3] * stretching.data[:,1])

    # update plastic strain
    swarmYield = viscosityFn.evaluate(swarm) < backgroundViscosityFn.evaluate(swarm)
    swarmStrainRateInv = strainRate_2ndInvariantFn.evaluate(swarm)
    weight = boundary(swarm.particleCoordinates.data[:,0], newminX, newmaxX, 10.0, 2) 
    plasticStrainIncrement = dt * np.where(swarmYield, swarmStrainRateInv , 0.0 )
    plasticStrainIncrement[:,0] *= weight
    plasticStrain.data[:] += plasticStrainIncrement

    return newtime, step+1
In [23]:
# Stepping. Initialise time and timestep.
time = 0.
step = 0
nsteps = 50

frictionValueAsString = str(frictionInf.evaluate([0.0,0.0])[0,0]) # For tagging in file names

while step<nsteps:
    # Obtain V,P and remove null-space / drift in pressure
    solver.solve( nonLinearIterate=True )
    (area,) = surfaceArea.evaluate()
    (p0,) = surfacePressureIntegral.evaluate() 
    pressureField.data[:] -= p0 / area
    if (step%5 ==0):      
        figYieldStress.save_image(     outputPath + "figYield-" +str(frictionInf.evaluate([0.0,0.0]))+"-" + str(step).zfill(4))
        figVelocityPressure.save_image(     outputPath + "figVP-" +str(frictionInf.evaluate([0.0,0.0]))+"-" + str(step).zfill(4))
        figStrain.save_image(      outputPath + "figStrain-"     +str(frictionInf.evaluate([0.0,0.0]))+"-" + str(step).zfill(4))
    if uw.rank()==0:   
        print('step = {0:6d}; time = {1:.3e};'.format(step,time))
        print("Plastic Strain - max = {}".format(plasticStrain.evaluate(swarm).max()))

    # finished timestep, update all
    time, step = update()
step =      0; time = 0.000e+00;
Plastic Strain - max = 0.0877496258148
step =      1; time = 1.361e-02;
Plastic Strain - max = 0.0877496258148
step =      2; time = 2.734e-02;
Plastic Strain - max = 0.0877496258148
step =      3; time = 4.120e-02;
Plastic Strain - max = 0.0877496258148
step =      4; time = 5.514e-02;
Plastic Strain - max = 0.087804486445
step =      5; time = 6.919e-02;
Plastic Strain - max = 0.0962289238188
step =      6; time = 8.334e-02;
Plastic Strain - max = 0.0964387261282
step =      7; time = 9.759e-02;
Plastic Strain - max = 0.103903206645
step =      8; time = 1.119e-01;
Plastic Strain - max = 0.111754478651
step =      9; time = 1.263e-01;
Plastic Strain - max = 0.118797201918
step =     10; time = 1.408e-01;
Plastic Strain - max = 0.125405053785
step =     11; time = 1.553e-01;
Plastic Strain - max = 0.131891217331
step =     12; time = 1.698e-01;
Plastic Strain - max = 0.143717407595
step =     13; time = 1.844e-01;
Plastic Strain - max = 0.159190271412
step =     14; time = 1.990e-01;
Plastic Strain - max = 0.175951721905
step =     15; time = 2.135e-01;
Plastic Strain - max = 0.1925596888
step =     16; time = 2.282e-01;
Plastic Strain - max = 0.209614036564
step =     17; time = 2.428e-01;
Plastic Strain - max = 0.224527845657
step =     18; time = 2.575e-01;
Plastic Strain - max = 0.244562748838
step =     19; time = 2.722e-01;
Plastic Strain - max = 0.263910753349
step =     20; time = 2.869e-01;
Plastic Strain - max = 0.279372618029
step =     21; time = 3.016e-01;
Plastic Strain - max = 0.294146989861
step =     22; time = 3.164e-01;
Plastic Strain - max = 0.310590195039
step =     23; time = 3.311e-01;
Plastic Strain - max = 0.328898937834
step =     24; time = 3.459e-01;
Plastic Strain - max = 0.343493133727
step =     25; time = 3.607e-01;
Plastic Strain - max = 0.364077120852
step =     26; time = 3.756e-01;
Plastic Strain - max = 0.394453243408
step =     27; time = 3.904e-01;
Plastic Strain - max = 0.427592967477
step =     28; time = 4.053e-01;
Plastic Strain - max = 0.462678490459
step =     29; time = 4.202e-01;
Plastic Strain - max = 0.494169475763
step =     30; time = 4.351e-01;
Plastic Strain - max = 0.527415479295
step =     31; time = 4.500e-01;
Plastic Strain - max = 0.565619647924
step =     32; time = 4.649e-01;
Plastic Strain - max = 0.60949513558
step =     33; time = 4.799e-01;
Plastic Strain - max = 0.657913307891
step =     34; time = 4.949e-01;
Plastic Strain - max = 0.71273889797
step =     35; time = 5.099e-01;
Plastic Strain - max = 0.776225974647
step =     36; time = 5.249e-01;
Plastic Strain - max = 0.84898453595
step =     37; time = 5.400e-01;
Plastic Strain - max = 0.932458128292
step =     38; time = 5.550e-01;
Plastic Strain - max = 1.0050194996
step =     39; time = 5.701e-01;
Plastic Strain - max = 1.05349877378
step =     40; time = 5.852e-01;
Plastic Strain - max = 1.10505458173
step =     41; time = 6.003e-01;
Plastic Strain - max = 1.15799529382
step =     42; time = 6.154e-01;
Plastic Strain - max = 1.21274508018
step =     43; time = 6.306e-01;
Plastic Strain - max = 1.26849374457
step =     44; time = 6.457e-01;
Plastic Strain - max = 1.33781019215
step =     45; time = 6.609e-01;
Plastic Strain - max = 1.40222693873
step =     46; time = 6.761e-01;
Plastic Strain - max = 1.46568846223
step =     47; time = 6.913e-01;
Plastic Strain - max = 1.54601066244
step =     48; time = 7.065e-01;
Plastic Strain - max = 1.633007628
step =     49; time = 7.218e-01;
Plastic Strain - max = 1.69565906171

Post simulation analysis

Note: most of the figures (e.g. figYieldStress) are defined entirely in terms of Underworld functions. This will automatically plot the latest version of the function evaluated at each of the particle / mesh locations. However, if the figure requires numpy data evaluations then these evaluations will not be embedded in the figure itself and will have to be called beforehand.

In [24]:
In [25]:
In [26]:
In [27]:
projectorStress = uw.utils.MeshVariable_Projection( meshDevStress, fn.tensor.second_invariant(devStressFn), type=0 )


Particle shear-strain measure

An initially horizontal line will be stretched along the direction of shear strain. This is one way to identify the shear bands but it's not particularly helpful for this example !

In [30]:
swarmVgrad = velocityField.fn_gradient.evaluate(swarm)

meshStretching = mesh.add_variable( 2 )

orientation.data[:,0] = np.where( np.abs(swarmVgrad[:,0]) > 1.1, -180 * np.arctan2(stretching.data[:,1] / math.pi, stretching.data[:,0]) / math.pi, 0.0)

projectStretching = uw.utils.MeshVariable_Projection( meshStretching, stretching, type=0 )
meshStretching.data[:,0] /= np.sqrt( meshStretching.data[:,0]**2 + meshStretching.data[:,1]**2 )
meshStretching.data[:,1] /= np.sqrt( meshStretching.data[:,0]**2 + meshStretching.data[:,1]**2 )

figMeshStretching = glucifer.Figure( figsize=(1200, 400))
figMeshStretching.append( glucifer.objects.VectorArrows(mesh, meshStretching, scaling=0.1, arrowHead=0.00001, resolution=[100,25,1])) 
figMeshStretching.append( glucifer.objects.Points(swarm, orientation , pointSize=5.0, colours="#448800, #666666:0.0, #0099FF") )
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