Rayleigh-Taylor instability

This notebook models the Rayleigh-Taylor instability outlined in van Keken et al. (1997).

The system of equations is given by

$$ \nabla \cdot \left( \eta \nabla \dot\varepsilon \right) - \nabla p = -\rho g \mathbf{\hat z} $$$$ \nabla \cdot \mathbf{v} = 0 $$

Keywords: particle swarms, Stokes system, advective diffusive systems


  1. van Keken, P.E., S.D. King, H. Schmeling, U.R. Christensen, D.Neumeister and M.-P. Doin. A comparison of methods for the modeling of thermochemical convection. Journal of Geophysical Research, 102, 22,477-22,495, 1997.
In [1]:
import underworld as uw
from underworld import function as fn
import glucifer
import math
import numpy as np

Setup parameters

In [2]:
res = 64
boxLength = 0.9142
boxHeight = 1.0
# light material viscosity / dense material viscosity
viscosityRatio = 1.0 
In [3]:
inputPath  = 'input/1_06_Rayleigh_Taylor/'
outputPath = 'output/'
# Make output directory if necessary.
if uw.rank()==0:
    import os
    if not os.path.exists(outputPath):

Create mesh and finite element variables

In [4]:
mesh = uw.mesh.FeMesh_Cartesian( elementType = ("Q1/dQ0"), 
                                 elementRes  = (res, res), 
                                 minCoord    = (0., 0.), 
                                 maxCoord    = (boxLength, boxHeight))

velocityField = mesh.add_variable(         nodeDofCount=2 )
pressureField = mesh.subMesh.add_variable( nodeDofCount=1 )

# initialise 
velocityField.data[:] = [0.,0.]
pressureField.data[:] = 0.

Create a particle swarm

In [5]:
# Create a swarm.
swarm = uw.swarm.Swarm( mesh=mesh )

# Create a data variable. It will be used to store the material index of each particle.
materialIndex = swarm.add_variable( dataType="int", count=1 )

# Create a layout object, populate the swarm with particles.
swarmLayout = uw.swarm.layouts.GlobalSpaceFillerLayout( swarm=swarm, particlesPerCell=20 )
swarm.populate_using_layout( layout=swarmLayout )

Initialise each particle's material index

In [6]:
# define these for convience. 
denseIndex = 0
lightIndex = 1

# material perturbation from van Keken et al. 1997
wavelength = 2.0*boxLength
amplitude  = 0.02
offset     = 0.2
k = 2. * math.pi / wavelength

# Create function to return particle's coordinate
coord = fn.coord()

# Define the material perturbation, a function of the x coordinate (accessed by `coord[0]`).
perturbationFn = offset + amplitude*fn.math.cos( k*coord[0] )

# Setup the conditions list. 
# If z is less than the perturbation, set to lightIndex.
conditions = [ ( perturbationFn > coord[1] , lightIndex ),
               (                      True , denseIndex ) ]

# The swarm is passed as an argument to the evaluation, providing evaluation on each particle.
# Results are written to the materialIndex swarm variable.
materialIndex.data[:] = fn.branching.conditional( conditions ).evaluate(swarm)

Plot the particles by material

In [7]:
fig1 = glucifer.Figure()
fig1.append( glucifer.objects.Points(swarm, materialIndex, pointSize=2, colourBar=False) )

Map properties to material index

The Map function allows us to create 'per material' type behaviour. Again we use the branching function to set up a (condition, action) command.

In [8]:
# Set a density of '0.' for light material, '1.' for dense material.
densityMap   = { lightIndex:0., denseIndex:1. }
densityFn    = fn.branching.map( fn_key = materialIndex, mapping = densityMap )

# Set a viscosity value of '1.' for both materials.
viscosityMap = { lightIndex:viscosityRatio, denseIndex:1. }
fn_viscosity  = fn.branching.map( fn_key = materialIndex, mapping = viscosityMap )

# Define a vertical unit vector using a python tuple.
z_hat = ( 0.0, 1.0 )

# Create buoyancy force vector
buoyancyFn = -densityFn*z_hat

Boundary conditions

Create free-slip condition on the vertical boundaries, and a no-slip condition on the horizontal boundaries.

In [9]:
# Construct node sets using the mesh specialSets
iWalls = mesh.specialSets["MinI_VertexSet"] + mesh.specialSets["MaxI_VertexSet"]
jWalls = mesh.specialSets["MinJ_VertexSet"] + mesh.specialSets["MaxJ_VertexSet"]
allWalls = iWalls + jWalls

# Prescribe degrees of freedom on each node to be considered Dirichlet conditions.
# In the x direction on allWalls flag as Dirichlet
# In the y direction on jWalls (horizontal) flag as Dirichlet
stokesBC = uw.conditions.DirichletCondition( variable      = velocityField, 
                                             indexSetsPerDof = (allWalls, jWalls) )

Create systems

In [10]:
stokes = uw.systems.Stokes( velocityField = velocityField, 
                            pressureField = pressureField,
                            voronoi_swarm = swarm, 
                            conditions    = stokesBC,
                            fn_viscosity  = fn_viscosity, 
                            fn_bodyforce  = buoyancyFn,

solver = uw.systems.Solver( stokes )

# Optional solver settings
#     solver.set_penalty(1.0e6) 
solver.options.scr.ksp_rtol = 1.0e-3

# Create a system to advect the swarm
advector = uw.systems.SwarmAdvector( swarm=swarm, velocityField=velocityField, order=2 )
In [11]:
if 0.!=None:
In [24]:
stokes.fn_source = 0.
# stokes._cforceVecTerm.fn = 0.
# stokes._fn_source

Time stepping

In [25]:
# Initialise time and timestep.
time = 0.
step = 0

# We set timeEnd=3 so that the simulation completes quickly, 
# but generally you will want to set timeEnd~300 to capture 
# the peak V_rms. 
timeEnd      = 3.  
outputEvery  = 20
timeVal     = []
vrmsVal     = []

# functions for calculating RMS velocity
vdotv = fn.math.dot(velocityField,velocityField)

# Save mesh and retain file handle for future xdmf creation
meshFileHandle = mesh.save(outputPath+"Mesh.h5")
In [26]:
# define an update function
def update():
    # Retrieve the maximum possible timestep for the advection system.
    dt = advector.get_max_dt()
    # Advect using this timestep size.
    return time+dt, step+1
In [27]:
while time < timeEnd:
    # Get instantaneous Stokes solution
    # Calculate the RMS velocity.
    vrms = math.sqrt( mesh.integrate(vdotv)[0] / mesh.integrate(1.)[0] )

    # Record values into arrays
    # Output to disk
    if step%outputEvery == 0:
            print 'step = {0:6d}; time = {1:.3e}; v_rms = {2:.3e}'.format(step,time,vrms)

        velFilename = outputPath+"/velocityField."+str(step)
        vFH = velocityField.save(velFilename+".h5")
        velocityField.xdmf( velFilename, vFH, "velocity", meshFileHandle, "Mesh", time )
        pressureFilename = outputPath+"/pressureField."+str(step)
        pFH = pressureField.save(pressureFilename+".h5")
        pressureField.xdmf(pressureFilename, pFH, "pressure", meshFileHandle, "Mesh", time )
        outputFilename = outputPath+"image"+str(step).zfill(4)

    # We are finished with current timestep, update.
    time, step = update()
    print 'step = {0:6d}; time = {1:.3e}; v_rms = {2:.3e}'.format(step,time,vrms)
step =      0; time = 0.000e+00; v_rms = 2.390e-04
step =      1; time = 1.336e+01; v_rms = 2.390e-04

Post simulation analysis

In [23]:
fig1.append( glucifer.objects.VectorArrows( mesh, velocityField, scaling=1.0e2))
In [17]:
    maxIndex = np.argmax(vrmsVal)

    print('Viscosity ratio = {0:.2f}'.format(viscosityRatio))
    print('    t(max vrms) = {0:.2f}'.format(timeVal[maxIndex]))
    print('           vrms = {0:.4f}'.format(vrmsVal[maxIndex]))
    # output a summary file with benchmark values (useful for parallel runs)
    np.savetxt(outputPath+'summary.txt', [viscosityRatio, timeVal[maxIndex], vrmsVal[maxIndex]])
Viscosity ratio = 1.00
    t(max vrms) = 0.00
           vrms = 0.0002

The benchmark values from van Keken et al. 1997 are approximately:

Viscosity ratio ($\frac{\eta}{\eta_r}$) t (max $v_{rms}$) max $v_{rms}$
1.00 208.99 0.0031
0.10 71.92 0.0095
0.01 49.57 0.0146

Plot RMS velocity

In [18]:
if uw.nProcs() == 1:
    if   viscosityRatio == 1.0 :
        data = np.loadtxt(inputPath+'VrmsCaseA.txt', unpack=True )
    elif viscosityRatio == 0.1 :
        data = np.loadtxt(inputPath+'VrmsCaseB.txt', unpack=True )
    elif viscosityRatio == 0.01 :
        data = np.loadtxt(inputPath+'VrmsCaseC.txt', unpack=True )
    else :
        print('No specific data found - default to Case A')
        data = np.loadtxt(inputPath+'VrmsCaseA.txt', unpack=True )

    # Load into data arrays to compare with timevals and vrmsvals from above.
    timeCompare, vrmsCompare = data[0], data[1] 
    # These can be copied onto timevals and vrmsvals to skip running the time loop.    

    import matplotlib.pyplot as pyplot
    fig = pyplot.figure()
    fig.set_size_inches(12, 6)
    ax = fig.add_subplot(1,1,1)
    ax.plot(timeCompare, vrmsCompare, color = 'black') 
    ax.plot(timeVal, vrmsVal, color = 'red', marker=".", markersize=10) 
    ax.set_ylabel('RMS velocity')
/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/matplotlib/figure.py:457: UserWarning: matplotlib is currently using a non-GUI backend, so cannot show the figure
  "matplotlib is currently using a non-GUI backend, "