Blankenbach Benchmark Case 2a

Temperature dependent convection

This is a benchmark case of two-dimensional, incompressible, bottom heated, temperature dependent convection. This example is based on case 2a in Blankenbach et al. 1989 for a single Rayleigh number ($Ra = 10^7$).

Here a temperature field that is already in equilibrium is loaded and a single Stokes solve is used to get the velocity and pressure fields. A few advection time steps are carried out as a demonstration of the new viscosity function.

This lesson introduces the concepts of:

  1. material rheologies with functional dependencies

Keywords: Stokes system, advective diffusive systems, analysis tools, tools for post analysis, rheologies


  1. B. Blankenbach, F. Busse, U. Christensen, L. Cserepes, D. Gunkel, U. Hansen, H. Harder, G. Jarvis, M. Koch, G. Marquart, D. Moore, P. Olson, H. Schmeling and T. Schnaubelt. A benchmark comparison for mantle convection codes. Geophysical Journal International, 98, 1, 23–38, 1989
In [1]:
import numpy as np
import underworld as uw
import math
from underworld import function as fn
import glucifer

Setup parameters

Set simulation parameters for test.

In [2]:
Temp_Min = 0.0
Temp_Max = 1.0
res = 128

Set physical values in SI units

In [3]:
alpha = 2.5e-5
rho   = 4e3
g     = 10
dT    = 1e3
h     = 1e6
kappa = 1e-6
eta   = 2.5e19

Set viscosity function constants as per Case 2a

In [4]:
Ra   = 1e7
eta0 = 1.0e3

Input file path

Set input directory path

In [5]:
inputPath  = 'input/1_04_BlankenbachBenchmark_Case2a/'
outputPath = 'output/'
# Make output directory if necessary.
if uw.rank()==0:
    import os
    if not os.path.exists(outputPath):

Create mesh and finite element variables

In [6]:
mesh = uw.mesh.FeMesh_Cartesian( elementType = ("Q1/dQ0"),
                                 elementRes  = (res, res), 
                                 minCoord    = (0., 0.), 
                                 maxCoord    = (1., 1.))
velocityField       = mesh.add_variable(         nodeDofCount=2 )
pressureField       = mesh.subMesh.add_variable( nodeDofCount=1 )
temperatureField    = mesh.add_variable(         nodeDofCount=1 )
temperatureDotField = mesh.add_variable(         nodeDofCount=1 )

Initial conditions

Load an equilibrium case with 128$\times$128 resolution and $Ra = 10^7$. This can be changed as per 1_03_BlankenbachBenchmark if required.

In [7]:
meshOld = uw.mesh.FeMesh_Cartesian( elementType = ("Q1/dQ0"),
                                    elementRes  = (128, 128), 
                                    minCoord    = (0., 0.), 
                                    maxCoord    = (1., 1.),
                                    partitioned = False )
temperatureFieldOld = meshOld.add_variable( nodeDofCount=1 )        
temperatureFieldOld.load( inputPath + 'tempfield_case2_128_Ra1e7_10000.h5' )[:]    = temperatureFieldOld.evaluate( mesh )[:] = 0.[:]       = [0.,0.][:]       = 0.

Plot initial temperature

In [8]:
figtemp = glucifer.Figure()
figtemp.append( glucifer.objects.Surface(mesh, temperatureField) )

Boundary conditions

In [9]:
for index in mesh.specialSets["MinJ_VertexSet"]:[index] = Temp_Max
for index in mesh.specialSets["MaxJ_VertexSet"]:[index] = Temp_Min
iWalls = mesh.specialSets["MinI_VertexSet"] + mesh.specialSets["MaxI_VertexSet"]
jWalls = mesh.specialSets["MinJ_VertexSet"] + mesh.specialSets["MaxJ_VertexSet"]

freeslipBC = uw.conditions.DirichletCondition( variable      = velocityField, 
                                               indexSetsPerDof = ( iWalls, jWalls) )
tempBC     = uw.conditions.DirichletCondition( variable      = temperatureField, 
                                               indexSetsPerDof = ( jWalls, ) )

Set up material parameters and functions

Setup the viscosity to be a function of the temperature. Recall that these functions and values are preserved for the entire simulation time.

In [10]:
b = math.log(eta0)
T = temperatureField
fn_viscosity = eta0 * fn.math.exp( -1.0 * b * T )

densityFn = Ra*temperatureField
gravity = ( 0.0, 1.0 )
buoyancyFn = gravity*densityFn

Plot the initial viscosity

Plot the viscosity, which is a function of temperature, using the initial temperature conditions set above.

In [11]:
figEta = glucifer.Figure()
figEta.append( glucifer.objects.Surface(mesh, fn_viscosity) )

System setup

Since we are using a previously constructed temperature field, we will use a single Stokes solve to get consistent velocity and pressure fields.

Setup a Stokes system

In [12]:
stokes = velocityField = velocityField, 
                            pressureField = pressureField,
                               conditions = [freeslipBC,],
                             fn_viscosity = fn_viscosity, 
                             fn_bodyforce = buoyancyFn )

Set up and solve the Stokes system

In [13]:
solver =

Create an advective diffusive system

In [14]:
advDiff = temperatureField, temperatureDotField, velocityField, fn_diffusivity = 1., 
                                         conditions = [tempBC,], )

Analysis tools

Nusselt number

In [15]:
nuTop = uw.utils.Integral( fn=temperatureField.fn_gradient[1], mesh=mesh, integrationType='Surface', 
Nu = -nuTop.evaluate()[0]
    print('Initial Nusselt number = {0:.3f}'.format(Nu))
Initial Nusselt number = 10.028

RMS velocity

In [16]:
v2sum_integral  = uw.utils.Integral( mesh=mesh, velocityField, velocityField ) )
volume_integral = uw.utils.Integral( mesh=mesh, fn=1. )
Vrms = math.sqrt( v2sum_integral.evaluate()[0] )/volume_integral.evaluate()[0]
    print('Initial Vrms = {0:.3f}'.format(Vrms))
Initial Vrms = 481.356

Temperature gradients at corners

Uses global evaluate function which can evaluate across multiple processors, but may slow the model down for very large runs.

In [17]:
def calcQs():
    q1 = temperatureField.fn_gradient[1].evaluate_global( (0., 1.) )
    q2 = temperatureField.fn_gradient[1].evaluate_global( (1., 1.) )
    q3 = temperatureField.fn_gradient[1].evaluate_global( (1., 0.) )
    q4 = temperatureField.fn_gradient[1].evaluate_global( (0., 0.) )
    return q1, q2, q3, q4
In [18]:
q1, q2, q3, q4 = calcQs()
    print('Initial T gradients = {0:.3f}, {1:.3f}, {2:.3f}, {3:.3f}'.format(q1[0][0], q2[0][0], q3[0][0], q4[0][0]))
Initial T gradients = -17.435, -1.007, -24.819, -0.485

Main simulation loop

Run a few advection and Stokes solver steps to make sure we are in, or close to, equilibrium.

In [19]:
time = 0.
step = 0
step_end = 4
In [20]:
# define an update function
def update():
    # Determining the maximum timestep for advancing the a-d system.
    dt = advDiff.get_max_dt()
    # Advect using this timestep size. 
    return time+dt, step+1
In [21]:
while step < step_end:
    # solve Stokes and advection systems
    # Calculate the RMS velocity and Nusselt number.
    Vrms = math.sqrt( v2sum_integral.evaluate()[0] )/volume_integral.evaluate()[0]
    Nu = -nuTop.evaluate()[0]
    q1, q2, q3, q4 = calcQs()
        print('Step {0:2d}: Vrms = {1:.3f}; Nu = {2:.3f}; q1 = {3:.3f}; q2 = {4:.3f}; q3 = {5:.3f}; q4 = {6:.3f}'
              .format(step, Vrms, Nu, q1[0][0], q2[0][0], q3[0][0], q4[0][0]))
    # update
    time, step = update()
Step  0: Vrms = 481.356; Nu = 10.028; q1 = -17.435; q2 = -1.007; q3 = -24.819; q4 = -0.485
Step  1: Vrms = 481.356; Nu = 10.028; q1 = -17.435; q2 = -1.007; q3 = -24.820; q4 = -0.485
Step  2: Vrms = 481.357; Nu = 10.028; q1 = -17.435; q2 = -1.007; q3 = -24.821; q4 = -0.485
Step  3: Vrms = 481.357; Nu = 10.028; q1 = -17.435; q2 = -1.007; q3 = -24.822; q4 = -0.485

Comparison of benchmark values

Compare values from Underworld against those from Blankenbach et al. 1989 for case 2a in the table below.

In [22]:
    print('Nu   = {0:.3f}'.format(Nu))
    print('Vrms = {0:.3f}'.format(Vrms))
    print('q1   = {0:.3f}'.format(q1[0][0]))
    print('q2   = {0:.3f}'.format(q2[0][0]))
    print('q3   = {0:.3f}'.format(q3[0][0]))
    print('q4   = {0:.3f}'.format(q4[0][0]))
    np.savetxt(outputPath+'summary.txt', [Nu, Vrms, q1, q2, q3, q4])
Nu   = 10.028
Vrms = 481.357
q1   = -17.435
q2   = -1.007
q3   = -24.822
q4   = -0.485
$Ra$ $Nu$ $v_{rms}$ $q_1$ $q_2$ $q_3$ $q_4$
10$^7$ 10.0660 480.4 17.53136 1.00851 26.8085 0.497380